
Hi, I’m Jonathan.

As a financial analyst in the investment industry, I enjoy the process of gaining insights from data. In the past 3 years of my career, I have been involved in industry research and company performance analysis of listed companies in China and the US. My team and I regularly publish analyses to assess and evaluate the performance of companies in our portfolio.

Being a financial analyst, or business analyst, no matter what one calls it, is fundamentally no different from being an investigator that converts generalized insights into experienced judgment. My approach to problem solving lies in a clear problem definition and a data-driven approach. I believe that a responsible analyst in any field or profession is always a seeker of truth, showing great perseverance to improve his or her thinking, logic and reasoning.

My Passions

  • Snorkeling

    Just like nature itself, the ocean is vast, beautiful, and mysterious. I always have an urge to stay connected with nature and observe the becoming and passing of the flora and fauna. My favourite colour is blue therefore my inner passion truly belongs to the sea and sky. The photo above was me diving with sharks in the Indian Ocean near Maldives.

    Over the course of the century and millennium, a great progress in technology and living conditions have emerged in humanity, however, I think that it is equally important for human beings to develop one’s inner world towards the understanding of life and respect the existence of every creature around us.

  • Cat Influencer

    Nini is a one-year-old adventure cat. I brought her to hiking trails, lakes, parks, and she started to become more and more confident. She even tried to chase birds and bunnies, but of course, I won't let her disrupt the state of peace of wild animals.

    It all begins with an idea to record all the happy moments and create meaningful contents through storytelling and photographies. Nini’s instagram page has a clear theme of spreading Love, Happiness and Wellness. Managing her account is my best entertainment that has a lot to learn from it, such as editing skills, interaction with followers, collaborating with sponsors etc.

  • Aviation

    I love every aspect of flying. Not just how it feels like to fly an aircraft but also the required diligence and judgment to excel in airmanship. I enjoy talking to Air Traffic Controllers as I think it improves my communication skills and always reminds me to have a habit of conveying information in a clear, professional, and concise manner, which is the essence of communication at all times.

    Takeoff|Climb|Cruise|Descend|Landing are all carried out according to standard operating procedures to minimize human error. We always place a strong emphasis on prior preparation to prevent poor performance, which means we never wait until the last minute for problems to arise, but rather check and confirm everything necessary before we leave the ground.